I visit quite a few gun related websites. Two of the more common questions I see are "What *&% is the best?" or "What *&% should I get?" Well, I dislike these questions. First of all, there is no correct or wrong answer. They are opinion related questions, not subjective. There is an old maxim that goes, "Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one." My opinion is no more right than anyone elses, based on the above two questions.
One caveat, I suggest all people posting their opinions actually have some experience in what they are replying to. There is no valid help offered to someone asking the above questions when you are answering based on what you have read in various gun books, magazines and websites if you cannot temper or validate that information with real, hands-on experience.
A recent example of this is when someone asked a question regarding the S&W M&P and the Ruger SR9. Both weapons are very new and not one person who replied to the question regarding "Which one should I get? actually had either of these pistol. All the opinions offered were based on magazine articles. While both of these weapons are probably great guns, why would anyone tell someone else to buy one based on presumed effectiveness with no real life experience with said weapon?