Several places are now in the sights of the Pro-2nd folks including Chicago and it's suburbs, Massachusetts, Cleveland, and San Francisco. Lawsuits have popped up in a few places, including the link above that shows the NRA "gunning" San Fran to overturn their gun ban as unconstitutional.
"The legal action follows a similar lawsuit against the city of Chicago over its handgun ban, filed within hours of Thursday's high court ruling"
Of course, the mayor of San Francisco's socialist government, Gavin Newsom, released the following statement, "... the city will "vigorously fight the NRA" and defended the ban as good for public safety." "Is there anyone out there who really believes that we need more guns in public housing?" Newsom said. "I can't for the life of me sit back and roll over on this. We will absolutely defend the rights of the housing authority."
Sure, buddy. You keep on with your anti-Constitution and Bill of Rights statements. Show us how American you are by rejecting everything we stand for. Right on, ya butthead!