Saturday, February 9, 2008


I was cleaning out my closet and ran into a magazine (read kind, not reload kind) in the wrong stack. Of course, this old gun magazine had to be moved to the keeper stack. On occasion I start flipping through these old magazines in boredom and look for something interesting that's changed. I was flipping through the pages and was chuckling at some of the things I saw. We always talk about how things used to be better, cheaper, or more simple.

Well, in 1997 this was partially true. We were 3 years into the Clinton AWB and prices for standard capacity gun magazines (the reloading kind, not the reading kind) were crazzzzyyy. Factory Glock magazines, now 20 bucks or less, were $79.99 at KY Imports and other places. Ruger P-series 15 round 9mm magazines were $39.99. Of course, 10 round factory magazines were still $20. And most shocking fir a Beretta 92,,used $39.99.used !

I have a bad feeling that if the newly proposed AWB becomes law, even these horrible prices will look good.