While I am the member of a couple of different 2nd supporting organizations, the NRA is not one of them. I get all sorts of crap from friends about "How I could be so pro-gun rights and yet not be a member of the NRA?" Well, the answer is simple.. there are other pro-2nd groups that fit my ideals better then the NRA.
All according to various pages within NRA.org and NRAILA.org
While the NRA has been instrumental in preventing gun, they are also a prime reason many of the anti or gun limiting laws have been allowed to pass the past 20 years. The NRA worked with Congress help the Clinton AWB and 10 round max laws. I am sure the NRA was limiting further damage, but their compromise with Congress sure wasn't a bright shiny star for me.
The NRA also, "In the 1980s, NRA helped write the federal law prohibiting handguns that cannot be detected by airport metal detectors and similar security systems."
We all know there is enough metal in Glocks to still register on metal detectors. I feel the NRA caved in to public fears.
The NRA also worked with the Fed to write the current NICS check laws and waiting period laws.
Now, I am not saying the NRA is a bad organization. They just compromise too much for my dollars to be donated to them. Their Eddie Eagle and other instructional programs are first rate. Their push for gun safety is second to none.