Saturday, August 23, 2008

Women and guns

Yes.. I know. Women and guns are a hot combination. There is nothing sexier then a girl with a gun.

Beyond that, I have always believed women were better shooters then most guys. Most women do not come into shooting with a notion that they are macho and can shoot anything well without any instruction. Most women are open to instruction and correction. Women also do not blow through a magazine full of ammo like it is a speed competition. Women seem to have better tactile skills, involving small movements, which I think really helps them in shooting.

I shoot every Thursday with a couple of ladies. Both of these ladies are new to shooting. One has been shooting for 3 months and the other for less then 2 months. Both started off in the typical "legs spread shoulder length apart, gun extended out in an isosceles stance," and their backs arched far backwards to compensate for the weight of the weapon.

I worked on their shooting stance, as did others. Both are not using a more versatile combat stance, one leg in front of the other, arms in a modified Weaver stance, knees bent and leaning forward towards the target. Both girls are excellent shots. Both take the time to aim and make sure they are in proper position before shooting. They might take 30 seconds to blow off 10 rounds to my 8 seconds, but they are typically more consistent then I am in grouping.

Just two weeks ago, I started working with one of the ladies on changing targets. I put up a paper with six targets on it. I told her to go across or up and down on various targets. After a couple of times, she was darn close to dead center on half the targets. When we went this week, we again practiced combat drills of moving to various targets. We shot against each other. On the first round, she kicked my butt. She was a little slower, but for bullseye's, she beat me. Now for combat accuracy, I did fine. For target accuracy, she was better. On the next round, I had to slow down and really concentrate and it was barely a draw.

I consider myself to be a pretty good shot. There were two guys in the lane next to us. One of them turned to me and shook his head after watching her shoot, "Better not piss her off, man." No doubt. No doubt what-so-ever.