Friday, January 25, 2008

50 round drum magazines

There are some products for guns that just make you shake your head and wonder why they made it. Promag has a 1911-magazines in the shape of a snail drum that holds 50..yes 50 rounds. Besides the fact that 50 rounds of 45 acp weighs a lot, how do you balance the thing? I am sure recoil is quite manageable with that extra weight, but muzzle flip must be bad, simply due to where the weight is on the gun. Unless you have some long arm that takes 1911 magazines, I just find this product to be pretty much useless.

Now they also make a 50 round drum for Ruger's 10/22 rifle, which makes sense. 50 rounds of 22 lr are light and going through that many rounds with the 10/22 is easy and fun.

Now, if Promag would make this drum for Hi Points carbine, Marlins Camp 9 or Camp 45, or some of the other handy pistol caliber carbines, these would be very useful.