Monday, January 28, 2008

Bond, James Bond

The coolest pistol, to me, when I was a kid was James Bond's Walther PPK. It was supposed to be in 32 ACP and was declared, "A real man stopper," by Q. It always looked cool as hell in all those movie posters, with the Bond pose.

Knowing what I know now, I still want one..even in the same caliber. The pistol was made in 22LR, 25 ACP, 32 ACP, and even 380 Auto. The 32 ACP was the most common produced. It is a copy of the Walther PP, which when introduced in 1929 was a major improvement on other small pistols of the time. It was the first auto pistol to be made in double action. The PPK is a slightly smaller gun then the PP, with s 3.15 inch barrel, about 0.2 inches shorter then the PP.

Both the PP and PPK are still being made today, by a large number of companies. It has been copied by the Soviets and the rest of the Warsaw Pact as the Makarov. The real PP and PPK's made by Walther command a heavy price over other pistols of the same size, running 200 to 300 dollars more then other pistols. A new PP can run 400 to 650 dollars, brand new.

Lately, Bond has been seen with another Walther, the P99, although for a while during the 80's and 90's was using an ASP in 9 mm. Even still, who doesn't want Mr. Bonds gun.