Friday, January 11, 2008

Gun Magazines, part 2

I realize gun magazines get their guns, ammo, and gear from manufactures for free. The manufactures get free publicity by doing this and the gun rags get to preview and review a brand new product to entice magazine buyers to buy the magazine. The problem is, all the magazines lie, except for one. The magazines rarely point out problems with a weapon. But, then, why should they? If you are getting the milk for free, don't kill the milkman. By making the weapons and gear sound its best, the manufacturers make more money, which in turn leads them to give the magazines another item to marketing, which causes people to go out and buy the reviewed super-duper, never jams and always hits the bulls eye gun.

Gun Tests is an interesting exception. They say they go to the gun stores and buy the item off the shelf, test it, and give an honest review. I used to subscribe to them and enjoyed, but not always agreed with their reviews.

I buy the other gun magazines to follow the market and to see the newest gear, but I go to a rental range to test any weapon I plan to buy.