In the past five years, the number of new cartridges introduced to the market could make your head spin and your eyes roll out. Winchester, Remington, Ruger, S&W, and others have thrown multitudes of new stuff at us. Remington Ultra Magnums in 300, 7 mm, and 338 calibers offer "more" velocity and energy for much greater recoil, oh and dollars. They are expensive. Winchester Short Magnums are available in 300. 257, 270, 325 and other calibers, Winchester also have their Super Short Magnums avail in 223, 243 and other calibers . These all offer magnum velocity and energy as well as magnum recoil and price. Ruger had their 480 Ruger handgun round and a couple of new rifle cartridges (375 Ruger is one). S&W has their 460 and 500. Some new stuff has been bought out to increase effectiveness of lever guns, no not the polymer tips, but whole new rounds for 150 year old level gun technology, which by the matches the 307 Winchester which launched and failed years ago.
Most of this new stuff is made to duplicate older, larger rounds with new more compact cases. These aren't proprietary rounds, like Dakota or Lazereroni, but well know, name brand companies. With all this time, money and effort bringing us all these new rounds the majority of which are bound to fail, the question is why not put more effort into improving what we have? If any of these cartridges, other then the 500 S&W had any chance of actually filling a real niche, then great, but they don't. Remington has already scaled back their production of weapons in the "new offerings." Winchester doesn't even exist as a rifle company anymore. Stop flooding the market with rounds that serve no real improvement for anyone just to line your pockets with funds from guns and ammo that could just as easily be lined with established cartridges that have withstood the test of time and will be around far longer then your sad attempts will.