Thursday, January 31, 2008

Conical bullets

During the late 1970's and early 1980's there was magazine push for conical bullets. Conical bullets were based on the French Arcane bullets. The bullet was cone shaped at about 65 or 70 degrees and came to a fine, sharp point. There was no meplat for this bullet. The concept was when the bullet hit its target, the sharp angle of the bullet wedges its way through what it hits and creates a huge wound channel that expanded as more material was piled off to the sides of the cone shaped bullet. They used to call it the Snowplow effect.

There was another, similar bullet design called the Spelunker. It was also cone shaped, but it came to a rounded tip rather then a sharp point.

In ballistic gelatin and clay models these bullet forms created a very large temporary wound channel. I have not ever seen any data on real wound ballistic with these bullets. I have also not seen any data on why these forms, so heavily promoted 25 years ago, disappeared except for a a few different moulds.

I think that these rounds, whether or not they are perform any better then standard expanding or fragmenting bullets, are probably better for feeding purposes then even FMJ's. Who knows? There is an old saying about fashion, "old is new again."