Friday, January 4, 2008

Small calibers

Most "experts" will tells you that you shouldn't use anything smaller (less powerful) then a 380 acp or 38 Special for self defense. While I think we all agree, the bigger, the better; I mean if I could have a L.A.W. (Light Antitank weapon) for self defense, I would.

There is also the old maxim that goes, "A hit with a 22lr is better then a miss with a 45acp." There are now 9 mm pistols that are smaller then older 380's or 32's. My question would be, can you accurately control those tiny weapons with enough precision to not only hit with your first shot but be able to quickly follow that up with an accurate second shot? Also, can you practice with it enough to be comfortable shooting it?

Seems to me that carrying any weapon, even a small caliber one is better then none at all. Until recent years, most European police agencies used 32 acps or 380 acps. Heck, a 32 acp was even used to start World War 1 (assassination of Franz Ferdinand).

The moral to my story is, carry whatever you want. The mere sight of a weapon is probably enough to scare off a bad guy, let alone pulling a trigger a couple of times.