Sunday, January 20, 2008

Arms selection

I went into a well stocked sporting goods store today and, as usual, I am amazed at both the sheer numbers and variety of weapons available. I was staring at Chipmunk 22's right next to high end 22 target rifles and heavy barreled Ar15 copies next to Tommy Guns. There were level guns, single shots, black powder, semi-auto, rimfire, bolt action, slide actions and break opens. It is amazing what we can purchase here in the U.S. There was an Armalite 50 cal on the glass display case that I am positive I wasn't the first to drool over.

I stared at display cases with revolvers and semi-auto handguns from just about every company still in business. It's a little awe inspiring to see a Colt Single Action Army right next to a Sig 1911 and realize that though they are completely different weapons, I want more of each.

I am not even going to start on the cases and cases of shotguns....

I love this country !